Jun 12, 2011

movie 4 u honey

Waniwan Slideshow: Nurul’s trip from Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia to Puchong was created by TripAdvisor. See another Puchong slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.

this all juz 4 u honey :)


Jun 7, 2011

Segenggam Harapan...

Kesudahan epilog cinta, kebahagian pasti terabadi.
Andai ketelusan serta ketulusan terpatri di dada.
Tetapi apakah permainan sipnopsis dimenangi dengan kesedihan tanpa bekalan?
Itulah insan dilahirkan mempunyai fikiran yang tanpa sempadan,
mempunyai jiwa yang seluas lautan.
Waktu dan ketika yang menjadi pembahagi.

Ketika usang disulami tenaga,
ketika kudrat perlu bekerja.
Hidup di dunia didiami penggoda,
setiap detik perlu berjaga.

Jikalau emas boleh berkata,
aku berada di mana-mana.
Andai igauan tanpa usaha,
diam sedia ia sentiasa.

Gagal berusaha, pemusnah segala masa yang terjangka.
Kekalutan di jiwa usahlah di ambil kira.
Kepentingan diri menjadi hak masing-masing,
perlu dijaga, dibelai dan dimanja,
kerna ia pembahagia yang sebenar.

Hiduplah insan mempunyai akal,
fikiran wajar
dan saksama di amalkan.
Agar menjadi lebih gah untuk minda yang mengawal.
Setiap satu dibalas dengan satu,
lumrah yang perlu tahu,
sesungguhnya semua adalah tetamu.
Tiada ketua, segalanya sekutu.
Waktu menjadi penentu.

Titipan jiwa ikhlas dari,

kenduri n teluk batik

Salam 1 Malaysia

ini I nk cita cket about kenduri n teluk batik..
tanggal 5 JUN 2011 bersamaan hari Ahad..
di Hutan Melingtang Nur Qurratu' Ain dan Mohd Azim
telah melangsungkan perkahwinan mereka yang diulit serba merah putih dan hitam..

I bersama insan tersayang telah gerak dari KL awal pagi..
kami pergi sana ikut jalan Kuala Selangor..
kami sampai di area rumah pengantin agak awal..
ini sebab sayang I 2 bawak kereta laju upenya..
sabor jelahhh...

ini ad serba sedikit gambar semasa kenduri

ku bersama sayang dengan pengantin baru

pengantin bersama keluarga pihak lelaki..

wani, kak fiza, ika
sebelum nak berarak

selepas kenduri kami pergi ke selabak dulu..
Abg Udin dah suruh singgah, so kami singgah r kejap..
sayang I 2 leh ar rehat sekejap..

dah petang sikit kami pun gerak pulang.
tp kami bukan balik terus KL tapi kami singgah TELUK BATIK..

mula-mula kami ingin mandi pantai tp....
I tak tukar baju lagi, tandas pun ramai owg..
so,tak jadi r kami mandi..

last2 kami rendam kaki jer dalam air..
jadi la 2... kt bwh ni ada gambar kami kt sana..

ku dan dia


kami saling menyayangi

ok laa.. sampai disini sahaja i nk bercerita

till than bubbye..


.sepuluh perkara : 10 things I want to say to one person.

10 thing I want to say to one person.


1 - you should know that you're sooooooooo awesome.

2- terima kasih ajar n nasihat ayang banyak perkara. serius, sangat banyak kot..

3 - abang muncet sangat lah. tolong jangan makan sisa org lain boleh tak? tu yang abang makin muncet.. boleh tak? boleh lah eh.. ke tak boleh? haha ;)

4 - tolonglah rajinkan diri masak kat rumah kalau kat rumah tak de makanan.
tak perlu membazir beli makanan kt luar ye sayang..

5 - jangan minum ais bila demam boleh tak? kang ilang suara abang yang merdu n lunak 2.. huhu

6 - thanks sebab sudi jadi insan istimewa ayang yang paling setia..

7 - tak pernah puas jumpa abang, tak pernah puas borak dengan abang. tak pernah puas date ngan abang. bagi ayang nak setiap waktu bersama abang..

8 - abang lah manusia paling comey yang ayang jumpa kat muka bumi nie.. serius tau.

9 - abang berhak dapat yang terbaik dalam hidup sebab abang memang terbaik bagi ayang..

10 - ayang sayang dan cintakan abang.. enough said. :)

p/s : pimpin tangan ayang untuk selamanya boleh?? :)


i love u soooo much honey


aku selalu terfikir,
untung jadi perempuan yang kurang cantik,
kurang dari segi gaya moden duniawi neh,
sekurang-kurangnya lelaki yang kekal setia dengan dia betul cari cantik kat hati.
betul nampak kecantikan perempuan tu yang tersendiri.

dan untung jadi mat motor,
walaupun panas hujan tanpa bumbung,
mampu bertayar dua bukan empat,
sekurang-kurangnya perempuan yang kasihkan dia betul tertawan dengan kaya cintanya.

dengan zaman yang makin aneh neh,
lelaki pandang rupa semata,
perempuan pandang wang kalau boleh nak berjuta,
sekurang-kurangnya biarlah ada yang mahu kekal dengan kita kan?


kawal sayang

orang kata kalau sayang tu berpada-padalah,
takut satu hari nanti kau sendiri kecewa.
tapi bagaimana mahu mengawalnya?

kau bercakap tentang perasaan, tentang manusia.
perasaan memang tidak boleh dikawal,
dan manusia memang streotaipnya tidak pandai mengawal.

ah mana mungkin mahu dikawal,
bila kau marah, kau rindu, kau sakit,
boleh kau kawal rasa itu?
penipu tampal di dahi jika kau kata boleh.
begitu juga dengan rasa sayang, rasa cinta,
memang tidak boleh dikawal.

rasa itu tak boleh dikawal,
cuma apa yang boleh dikawal adalah luahan itu,
ekspresi kau, cara kau menunjukkannya,
hah itu memang boleh dikawal.

jadi, kawallah cara kau menunjukkan rasa sayang itu,
aku paham, kau sayang dia seluruh jiwa raga,
tapi kawal lah penampakkan perasaan itu,
jangan sampai dia buat rasa bangga buat kau macam hamba,
takut satu hari nanti kau sendiri yang kecewa.

kawal. ingat tu.


What A Girl Wants Actually? Its Simple!

Assalamualaikum and Hello people!

People always said that woman is too complicated to be understand. yeah, I admit that.

'Girls Are Complicated'

Its true guys. I won't argue that thingy. But actually it is damn easy to fulfill what your girlfriend wants in a relationship. Or should i say a SERIOUS relationship ? If that relation is just for playing around or just wanna test that person about love thingy, so what the heck they should care about this right?

Shall I start?

1. Okay, first. You should give her much love as much she gave it to you.
Simple right? It ain't too hard right? Its not that hard to show how much you love her. You love her and that's it! Just show it boy. Do not try to cover it up and being egoistic. And yes, some of men did not know how to show their love towards his beloved one. Just tell her once that you love her everyday and she will know it.

2. Second, show your appreciation to what she have done for you.
Oh yes, girls love appreciation. With that, she knows how important she was to you. How you feel her presence besides you. Its doesn't mean you should thank her everyday every minutes every second. 'Thank you darling for this' or 'I do not know what to say honey, but I thank you so much'. Oh a huge NO! Girls does not like it when you thank them so much. Just show your appreciation with buying something for her, talk to her softly, or anything just to see her smile. Its simple guys!

3. Try to understand her and accept her just the way she are.
I am very sure you know the 'Just The Way You Are' song by Bruno Mars. You guys should search that lyrics and try to be just like the man in the song. He accept everything about his beloved one and how much he appreciate her. Everyone have the imperfection side. So? Just accept her bad side. It is very okay if you want to change her to be a better person, but, do not FORCE her.

4. If you can not be with her at a particular time, just TELL her.
The fourth one is one of the biggest problem that couples always had. You guys should being straight forward if you cannot be with her, cannot talk with her or cannot contact her for some particular reason, oh can you just tell her that reason? Girls cannot predict what the things happen in your life if you do not tell her. And I should mention here, girls need CONFIRMATION. Even she can predict why you cannot contact her but she do not have assurance from you guys, the suspicious feelings will get over her. And will get you both into a fight.

5. Do not hide anything from her. And do not ignore her.
Haaaa, if you both loves each other, why should keep a secret then? If you had a life problem or anything, share with her. Tell her! That will show the importance of her presence at your side. Just try to release what is in your mind to her and I am sure she will calm you down. She will try her best and do anything for you to make you smile again. Do not worry, every girls have a mother's heart.

6. Do not treat her as a lover all the time.
I am not sure about this thing. However, to me, girls love to be treatened as a child at some times, as a lover at another times, and as a friend also. I think this is the principe, she will be a child if she wants to be pampered, she will be a lover when you both in a romantic mode and wants to feel the love together, she will be a mother if you wants to be pampered, and she will be your friend if you want to share your problem or anything.

7. Do not being tooooo sweet with your friends.
Some guys are very close to girl friends. Not girlfriends, but his female friends. Its not just because of jealousy thing. It is because of respect! Respect her feelings when you talked very softly with your friends. Oh whats the thing again? Talked softly right? That kind of guy is whatsocalled sweet talkers. Oh pleaseeeeee, why don't you just being sweet talker with you girlfriend right? Ni semua nak panggil 'dear' or 'sayang'. Some people said that thing is normal, but actually it is not NORMAL!

8. Do not use bad words or harsh words even when you angry.
It is okay if you scold her sometimes to make her realises her mistakes. It is your right as you were her boyfie. Sometimes you need to be more strict so that she will knows about her wrongdoings towards you or any. However, you should stay away from bad and harsh words. That is not the right way to release your anger towards her. Be more patient when you were handling the situation. Sometimes men can be so hot-tempered. So, no offense. But you love her right? So, stay away from bad words.

9. Do not compare her with others.
A big NO to this! Girls hate comparison. It will make her felt down and felt so imperfect from your eyes. Do not say that your friend are much good compared to her. Do not compare her bad side or even her good side with others. Even with famous person such as actress or something. Just let her to be HER to your eyes.

10. Oh I forgot! Try to contact her how busy you are.
You can just send a simple message to her, for example, ' Hello dear, I am sorry. Today I am busy,'. Sometimes girls can be too paranoid. Seriously. Just contact her for once even you are too busy.

11. Introduce her to your family and friends.
Do you know how its feel if you introduce your gf to your family and friends? It will make her feel special you know. Its like you tell your family and friends that 'this is the princess of my life'. Its not that hard. Its good for her to know your family and friends so that when something make you can't contact her, she can ask your family or friends about you.

12. Be loyal and trust her.
Just do not try to cheat on her and be loyal. Do not ever flirt around and push her aside. And surely you have to trust her in anything her do. Remember, trust, loyalty and understanding is the keys for a successful relationship.

There's many things that will assure your relationship long lasting forever. The main thing is you should try to be the best for her. You should be gentle and make it just you at her mind all the time. And with that, I ended this with ...

'May I marry your princess to make her as my queen?'

Oh this is so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.



There Nothing Much To Say.

Maybe I look like I was filled by happiness. Maybe I always laugh with all the stupid jokes. Maybe I create a huge smile every single time. And maybe. I look OKAY.

But actually, from the deepest in my heart, you can see. I AM TRULY NOT OKAY.

I can't stand it anymore. Please heart, be strong.

I can not rid of this feeling again and again. Maybe tonight is the time to release all the miserable feelings that I faced since you weren't here with me.

I'm sick of all of this feelings. It kept killing me on the inside. I'm suffering because of missing you

I can't say anything about this. I just can say ; 'Please cure me'.

I wish you were here.

I need you. ALWAYS.
If you're here, I swear I won't let you to go. I won't let you to leave me here. Alone without you.

Till then, I just can say I will pretend that you always here besides me. You always be at my side right?
Because you're always here ; in my HEART.

I am sorry. Sometimes I can't stand my feelings for a long time
I love you so much, MOHD IKHWAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN. :')



betapa aku berharap kamu ada di sisi aku,
bergurau senda seperti selalu,
kau rangkul pinggangku dan pinjamkan bahu kamu.

betapa aku berharap kamu terus sayang aku,
terus pandang aku terus kekalkan aku dalam hati kamu,
beri sedikit ruang dalam hidup kamu untuk aku.

betapa aku berharap kamu aku yang punya,
sumpah tak banyak yang aku pinta,
aku cuma mahu kamu jadi milik aku,
tak pinta untuk selamanya,
tapi sekurang-kurang hingga aku kehabisan nyawa.

Someone , Somewhere

Someone Somewhere - Asking Alexandria

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Because I know there's someone somewhere
Praying that I make it home
So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
To call my own

It was you
That told me i could do this
You put the music in my heart
And how you sang with the band in Memphis
It's hard just, to be strong
Not knowing if, I've done you proud
I like to imagine
You smile when you hear my songs

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Because I know there's someone somewhere
Praying that I make it home
So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
To call my own

A letter home and I know we don't speak much
And we both know I'm not keen to
But I think there's things I've left unsaid
I'm okay don't worry
I wish I'd been a better kid
I'm trying to slow down
I'm sorry for letting you down

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Because I know there's someone somewhere
Praying that I make it home
So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
To call my own


You know it's just, Rock and roll
I know you're by my side through it all
My terror twin and I
Let's take over the world

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Because I know there's someone somewhere
Praying that I make it home
So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
To call my own

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Because I know there's someone somewhere
Praying that I make it home
So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
To call my own

This song is meaningful to me . That's why I put it here :)

May 26, 2011


kenapa aku hampa??
aku bukan setakat hampa malah kecewa,sedih,marah..
hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu betapa peritnya perasaanku ini..
ok r, aku nk bercerita sikit kenapa aku mesti hampa??

Tanggal 24 Mei 2011 aku telah mendapat berita gembira..
kerana aku dapat menyambung pelajaranku ke peringkat Diploma..
Kementerian Politeknik menawarkan aku ke Politeknik Seberang Perai, Penang..
Jurusan Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan(Pengurusan) PPM.. selama setahun 2 semester..

aku berasa gembira sangat kerana dapat further my studies..
ini harapan parents aku jgk, dpt diploma pun jadi r.. tak kn sijil je..
my parents pun dah happy dgn khabar aku y telah dapat smbung diploma..
malah, parents aku dah nak minta cuti utk hantar aku pd 5/7/2011 ini..

pada masa yang sama, aku telah mendapat panggilan kerja,
dari syarikat Bright Prospect at PeeJay.. mereka suruh aku datang interview..
company itu suruh aku set a time to be interviewed but aku buat do no..
company 2 kol pn aku tak angkat cz aku fikir aku dah nk sambung belajar..

yang menghampakan aku sekarang ialah..
Pada 26/5/2011 aku telah mendapat berita yang amat mendukacita..
kwnku di PSAS telah mengupdate status pd group SPP JULAI 2009 (PSAS)
"berita buruk lagi menyedihkan.. integrasi bkn batch kite sesi jun ni"
yang telah diupdate oleh mira.. aku terkejut dengan berita ini..
aku betol2 xpercaya dengan berita yang mira sampaikan..

dengan tidak mempercayai kata-kata mira, aku sendiri telefon kementerian politeknik..
dan akhirnya memang benar kata2 mira bahawa kemasukan sessi jun bkn utk kami..
gamaknya mmg xde rezeki aku utk sambung belajar untuk sesi Jun ini..
jawapan yang telah diberi oleh Kementerian ialah..........
Keputusan yang mereka telah beri akan dibatalkan serta merta..
mereka bilang sesiapa yang mohon integrasi menggunakan result sem 2 akan dibatalkan

kenapa mereka approvekn permohonan kte owg klu result sem 2 tak boleh pakai..
ini salah mereka juga.. dah bg harapan kat kami aleh2 dibatalkan..
siapa yang tak hampa kalau jd cmni??
hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu.. takpe r,mayb ad hikmah disebalik semua ini..

mungkin Allah nak aku kerja dulu,cari duit dan tolong mak ayah aku
yang selama ini aku byk sshkn mereka dan byk gunakan duit mereka..
tak pe wani.. wani kena byk2 kn bersabar yer... cari kerja dlu yer..

Ary Khamis depan aku ade interview di PJ..
aku berharap agar aku mendapat kerja di company itu..
doakan kejayaan aku di dunia dan di akhirat..
